I’m not sure it’s relevant whether they did anything illegal or not. People always seem to want to blame and punish someone for their problems. In my opinion, they should be forced to pay for and compensate for all the damage, as well as a very large fine as punishment. This way in the future they, and other companies, can regulate themselves and prepare for emergencies as efficiently as possible without arbitrary and clunky government regulations and agencies trying to slap everything together at the last moment. Of course, if a single person actually did something irresponsible (eg; bob the worker just used duct tape to fix that pipe knowing that it wouldn’t hold) then they should be able to be tried in court or sued/fined by the company. But even then, it’s up to the company to make sure that stuff like this doesn’t happen by making sure all of their workers are competent and certified.
I’m not sure it’s relevant whether they did anything illegal or not. People always seem to want to blame and punish someone for their problems. In my opinion, they should be forced to pay for and compensate for all the damage, as well as a very large fine as punishment. This way in the future they, and other companies, can regulate themselves and prepare for emergencies as efficiently as possible without arbitrary and clunky government regulations and agencies trying to slap everything together at the last moment. Of course, if a single person actually did something irresponsible (eg; bob the worker just used duct tape to fix that pipe knowing that it wouldn’t hold) then they should be able to be tried in court or sued/fined by the company. But even then, it’s up to the company to make sure that stuff like this doesn’t happen by making sure all of their workers are competent and certified.