The fairness foundation isn’t universal. I know people who test low for it, but that may just be a testing artifact. “Whether or not some people were treated differently than others”—people are different, so of course there will be circumstances where it’s right to treat them differently. There are some cultures where it’s probably legitimately absent.
The fairness foundation isn’t universal. I know people who test low for it, but that may just be a testing artifact. “Whether or not some people were treated differently than others”—people are different, so of course there will be circumstances where it’s right to treat them differently. There are some cultures where it’s probably legitimately absent.
Also, I don’t think liberal language hides the purity intuition.
From my, admittedly limited, knowledge of non-Western cultures, I get the impression that the fairness norm is very much a Western Civilization thing.
My bad. I wanted to say universalist.