I don’t see any knock down evidence for general intelligence. Talk about “manipulating the environment” just assumes what you’re trying to prove. If we’re going to include the “evidence” that you can imagine humans doing something then we’ve already stepped well beyond the bounds of reasonable inquiry and are skipping gleefully through the lush green meadows fantasy land; you don’t need fictional superintelligent AIs to cross that line. The data we have is what humans actually do not what we imagine they could do. It’s nice to think we can do anything, which is probably why these ideas have so much appeal, but what we’re actually experiencing in such flights of fancy is simply ignorance of our own constrained behavioral repertoire.
I don’t see any knock down evidence for general intelligence. Talk about “manipulating the environment” just assumes what you’re trying to prove. If we’re going to include the “evidence” that you can imagine humans doing something then we’ve already stepped well beyond the bounds of reasonable inquiry and are skipping gleefully through the lush green meadows fantasy land; you don’t need fictional superintelligent AIs to cross that line. The data we have is what humans actually do not what we imagine they could do. It’s nice to think we can do anything, which is probably why these ideas have so much appeal, but what we’re actually experiencing in such flights of fancy is simply ignorance of our own constrained behavioral repertoire.