iii) Given that categoricity results are only up to isomorphism, I don’t see how they help you pin down talk of the natural numbers themselves (as opposed to any old omega_sequence). At best, they help you pin down the structure of the natural numbers, but taking this insight into account is easier said than done.
Generally, things being identical up to isomorphism is considered to make them the same thing in all senses that matter. If something has all the same properties as the natural numbers, in every respect and every particular, then that’s no different from merely changing the names. This is a pretty basic mathematical concept, and that you aren’t familiar with it makes me question the rest of this comment as well.
Generally, things being identical up to isomorphism is considered to make them the same thing in all senses that matter. If something has all the same properties as the natural numbers, in every respect and every particular, then that’s no different from merely changing the names. This is a pretty basic mathematical concept, and that you aren’t familiar with it makes me question the rest of this comment as well.