I think philosophers who think that the categoricity of second-order Peano arithmetic allows us to refer to the natural numbers uniquely tend to also reject the causal theory of reference, precisely because the causal theory of reference is usually put as requiring all reference to be causally guided. Among those, lots of people more-or-less think that references can be fixed by some kinds of description, and I think logical descriptions of this kind would be pretty uncontroversial.
OTOH, for some reason everyone in philosophy of maths is allergic to second-order logic (blame Quine), so the categoricity argument doesn’t always hold water. For some discussion, there’s a section in the SEP entry on Philosophy of Mathematics.
(To give one of the reasons why people don’t like SOL: to interpret it fully you seem to need set theory. Properties basically behave like sets, and so you can make SOL statements that are valid iff the Continuum Hypothesis is true, for example. It seems wrong that logic should depend on set theory in this way.)
This is a facepalm “Duh” moment, I hear this criticism all the time but it does not mean that “logic” depends on “set theory”. There is a confusion here between what can be STATED and what can be KNOWN. The criticism only has any force if you think that all “logical truths” ought to be recognizable so that they can be effectively enumerated. But the critics don’t mind that for any effective enumeration of theorems of arithmetic, there are true statements about integers that won’t be included—we can’t KNOW all the true facts about integers, so the criticism of second-order logic boils down to saying that you don’t like using the word “logic” to be applied to any system powerful enough to EXPRESS quantified statements about the integers, but only to systems weak enough that all their consequences can be enumerated.
This demand is unreasonable. Even if logic is only about “correct reasoning”, the usual framework given by SOL does not presume any dubious principles of reasoning and ZF proves its consistency. The existence of propositions which are not deductively settled by that framework but which can be given mathematical interpretations means nothing more than that our repertoire of “techniques of correct reasoning”, which has grown over the centuries, isn’t necessarily finalized.
I think philosophers who think that the categoricity of second-order Peano arithmetic allows us to refer to the natural numbers uniquely tend to also reject the causal theory of reference, precisely because the causal theory of reference is usually put as requiring all reference to be causally guided. Among those, lots of people more-or-less think that references can be fixed by some kinds of description, and I think logical descriptions of this kind would be pretty uncontroversial.
OTOH, for some reason everyone in philosophy of maths is allergic to second-order logic (blame Quine), so the categoricity argument doesn’t always hold water. For some discussion, there’s a section in the SEP entry on Philosophy of Mathematics.
(To give one of the reasons why people don’t like SOL: to interpret it fully you seem to need set theory. Properties basically behave like sets, and so you can make SOL statements that are valid iff the Continuum Hypothesis is true, for example. It seems wrong that logic should depend on set theory in this way.)
This is a facepalm “Duh” moment, I hear this criticism all the time but it does not mean that “logic” depends on “set theory”. There is a confusion here between what can be STATED and what can be KNOWN. The criticism only has any force if you think that all “logical truths” ought to be recognizable so that they can be effectively enumerated. But the critics don’t mind that for any effective enumeration of theorems of arithmetic, there are true statements about integers that won’t be included—we can’t KNOW all the true facts about integers, so the criticism of second-order logic boils down to saying that you don’t like using the word “logic” to be applied to any system powerful enough to EXPRESS quantified statements about the integers, but only to systems weak enough that all their consequences can be enumerated.
This demand is unreasonable. Even if logic is only about “correct reasoning”, the usual framework given by SOL does not presume any dubious principles of reasoning and ZF proves its consistency. The existence of propositions which are not deductively settled by that framework but which can be given mathematical interpretations means nothing more than that our repertoire of “techniques of correct reasoning”, which has grown over the centuries, isn’t necessarily finalized.