Lack of counterargument is not justification, nor is motivation from some possible irraitonal source.
In utilitarian terms, motivation is not “I’m motivated today!”. The utilitarian meaning of motivation is that a program which displays “Hello World!” on a computer screen has for (exclusive) motivation to do the exact process which makes it display those words. The motivation of this program is imperative and ridiculously simple and very blunt—it’s the pattern we’ve built into the computer to do certain things when it gets certain electronic inputs.
Motivations are those core things which literally cause actions, whether it’s a simple reflex built into the nervous system which always causes some jolt of movement whenever a certain thing happens (such as being hit on the knee) or a very complex value system sending interfering signals within trillions of cells causing a giant animal to move one way or another depending on the resulting outcome.
In utilitarian terms, motivation is not “I’m motivated today!”. The utilitarian meaning of motivation is that a program which displays “Hello World!” on a computer screen has for (exclusive) motivation to do the exact process which makes it display those words. The motivation of this program is imperative and ridiculously simple and very blunt—it’s the pattern we’ve built into the computer to do certain things when it gets certain electronic inputs.
Motivations are those core things which literally cause actions, whether it’s a simple reflex built into the nervous system which always causes some jolt of movement whenever a certain thing happens (such as being hit on the knee) or a very complex value system sending interfering signals within trillions of cells causing a giant animal to move one way or another depending on the resulting outcome.
I know.