If you could figure out what makes any particular exceptional person or group of exceptional people exceptional, and teach that to a large group of people, then those people would still be mediocre. After all, no more than 500 people at a time can ever be Fortune 500 CEOs.
The more people who have a higher level of ability, the higher would be the level of functioning rated as mediocre. Most people, by definition, are medicre, it’s what mediocre means; but that doesn’t mean that what level of functioning that counts as mediocre stays the same.
If you could figure out what makes any particular exceptional person or group of exceptional people exceptional, and teach that to a large group of people, then those people would still be mediocre. After all, no more than 500 people at a time can ever be Fortune 500 CEOs.
The more people who have a higher level of ability, the higher would be the level of functioning rated as mediocre. Most people, by definition, are medicre, it’s what mediocre means; but that doesn’t mean that what level of functioning that counts as mediocre stays the same.