Original paper and Epiphenom post both say “Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic” where you have “White, Educated, Intelligent, Rich, and Democratic”. ciphergoth, if the change was deliberate then I’d be interested to know why; if not, I’d be interested in any speculations you have about why :-).
Possible partial explanation: the paper uses WEIRD as a description of societies; if you were thinking of individuals then “Western” and “Industrialized” would be odd words to use, “White” and “Intelligent” less so. Possible diagnostic question: what meaning of “Democratic” was foremost in your mind? (I initially read it as a US-centric description of political stance.)
I had in mind an image of a preppy-looking US student doing a psychology test, so yes, I was imagining individuals rather than societies. I read Democratic as a description of the society but the reading of it as an individual political leaning did cross my mind.
Original paper and Epiphenom post both say “Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic” where you have “White, Educated, Intelligent, Rich, and Democratic”. ciphergoth, if the change was deliberate then I’d be interested to know why; if not, I’d be interested in any speculations you have about why :-).
Fascinating. Fixed—thanks!
Possible partial explanation: the paper uses WEIRD as a description of societies; if you were thinking of individuals then “Western” and “Industrialized” would be odd words to use, “White” and “Intelligent” less so. Possible diagnostic question: what meaning of “Democratic” was foremost in your mind? (I initially read it as a US-centric description of political stance.)
I had in mind an image of a preppy-looking US student doing a psychology test, so yes, I was imagining individuals rather than societies. I read Democratic as a description of the society but the reading of it as an individual political leaning did cross my mind.