In any case, one of the ways she motivated the advice was to notice that on several distinct occasions she initially thought she was a unique snowflake with an unusual problem and then she found out from a book that lots of people had faced the same problem and were able to articulate surprisingly specific details of the problem that she’d thought where unique to her own circumstances. A sense of a problem being unique was even one of the things people would sometimes bring up as such a detail.
There are 6 billion people in the world. If you’re one in a million, there are 6,000 people just like you. ;)
There are facts that basically never change (the diameter of Earth) and there are facts that change fairly fast (the U.S. GDP; the temperature). There are also facts that change slowly enough that we tend to remember the first value we memorized for them (human population). Those last two sentences are an attempted summary of an article or blog post that I once read but can no longer find. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
Yes. Its annoying if you base your habits around it.
My grandmother had it cached how distance calls are super expensive. But in the last decade all land-line calls in Germany became either cheap, or flat feed. She would still cut them short.
Having the wrong number for the world population is probably not a problem.
There are 6 billion people in the world. If you’re one in a million, there are 6,000 people just like you. ;)
7 billion!
There are facts that basically never change (the diameter of Earth) and there are facts that change fairly fast (the U.S. GDP; the temperature). There are also facts that change slowly enough that we tend to remember the first value we memorized for them (human population). Those last two sentences are an attempted summary of an article or blog post that I once read but can no longer find. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
I think this is the article you read.
Oh hell yeah! My google-fu is pretty good, but I couldn’t remember enough keywords to find that thing. Thanks!
satt also found, a site founded by the author of the article I read and you found.
Yes! The article I read was actually the one that saturn found, by’s founder (also linked from the site you found). Thanks!
Yes. Its annoying if you base your habits around it. My grandmother had it cached how distance calls are super expensive. But in the last decade all land-line calls in Germany became either cheap, or flat feed. She would still cut them short.
Having the wrong number for the world population is probably not a problem.
Indeed. Correction noted.