The dreams are lucid! When you say “lucid dreaming is not a lie” I’m guessing you mean that an external reality is in some way represented within the dream… But I have to do a lot of work with your initial statement to get to that interpretation. I meant to point that out by agreeing that lucid dreaming is not a lie… it really is lucid. Which is surely not what you meant but is definitely the clearest interpretation of your comment.
In any case,
A lucid dream is a dream in which you are aware you are dreaming, perhaps excercising some control of the dream and perhaps the dream is extraordinarily vivid… this is certainly a matter of degree. I routinely have dreams in which I am partially aware or have partial control. Vividness is also a matter of degree. In other words I have dreams that are just like regular dreams except more lucid. How are you defining “lucid” such that “lucid dreams” are so unique that they require our special consideration?
By mean “lucid dream”, I mean a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming, and by “is not a lie”, I mean that people are not lying when they say that they exist. They do.
I think it would help if you pointed out what part of the grandparent post you struggled on.
\fixed typo*
What certainly is lucid?
The best hypothesis to explain what? What do you mean by “more lucid” in this case? Are you actually familiar with the term “lucid dreaming”?
The dreams are lucid! When you say “lucid dreaming is not a lie” I’m guessing you mean that an external reality is in some way represented within the dream… But I have to do a lot of work with your initial statement to get to that interpretation. I meant to point that out by agreeing that lucid dreaming is not a lie… it really is lucid. Which is surely not what you meant but is definitely the clearest interpretation of your comment.
In any case, A lucid dream is a dream in which you are aware you are dreaming, perhaps excercising some control of the dream and perhaps the dream is extraordinarily vivid… this is certainly a matter of degree. I routinely have dreams in which I am partially aware or have partial control. Vividness is also a matter of degree. In other words I have dreams that are just like regular dreams except more lucid. How are you defining “lucid” such that “lucid dreams” are so unique that they require our special consideration?
By mean “lucid dream”, I mean a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming, and by “is not a lie”, I mean that people are not lying when they say that they exist. They do.
… does the population at large not believe lucid dreaming is possible? And if so, is that common knowledge?
I believe it’s pretty well-known that many people tend to be skeptical about it.
Judging from how many people (including me) weren’t able to correctly parse your initial comment, you might want to revisit that belief… :)