I didn’t notice the opportunity to notice my confusion (I had a “huh, weird” but, but looking back, I think it was
fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu gur fnaqone. Gurer ner npghnyyl n pbhcyr bs guvatf gung, ybbxvat onpx, V’z trahvaryl hafher nobhg ertneqvat gur fnaqone fgbel: 1. Jung vf n “qrfreg fnaqone”? 2. Vs vg jrer na bprna fnaqone (nf V svefg ernq vg), vg jbhyq unir gb or cerggl ovt gb fhccbeg n sberfg gur fvmr bs prageny cnex (evtug? Arire orra, fb qba’g unir n tbbq frafr bs ubj ovt prageny cnex vf). In any case, thanks for writing this, it’s given me a lot to think about and hopefully implement.
I didn’t notice the opportunity to notice my confusion (I had a “huh, weird” but, but looking back, I think it was
fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu gur fnaqone. Gurer ner npghnyyl n pbhcyr bs guvatf gung, ybbxvat onpx, V’z trahvaryl hafher nobhg ertneqvat gur fnaqone fgbel: 1. Jung vf n “qrfreg fnaqone”? 2. Vs vg jrer na bprna fnaqone (nf V svefg ernq vg), vg jbhyq unir gb or cerggl ovt gb fhccbeg n sberfg gur fvmr bs prageny cnex (evtug? Arire orra, fb qba’g unir n tbbq frafr bs ubj ovt prageny cnex vf). In any case, thanks for writing this, it’s given me a lot to think about and hopefully implement.
Edit: typo