Instead of uploading humans to create a large mess of AIs, let’s connect humans together as soon as it’s safe to do so (maybe at first only the elderly and bedridden, eventually anyone who can wear a hat) then add machines and maybe even animals (sup elephants and dolphins) to create a single gigantic worldbrain. As computer simulations of brain tissue get better, the AI will go from being mostly human to mostly artificial. The death of a fully integrated human body wouldn’t cause an interruption in that human’s consciousness, because most of it would be distributed across the entire worldbrain.
I believe that extant technology could be used to do this and actually wrote up a technical proposal that I didn’t disseminate (it wasn’t great and I didn’t see anyone being persuaded by it so I trashed it). The technical risk is mostly in testing and some assumptions about the way the brain works that I view as ‘plausible’ given the state of the art, but far from ‘proven’
Instead of uploading humans to create a large mess of AIs, let’s connect humans together as soon as it’s safe to do so (maybe at first only the elderly and bedridden, eventually anyone who can wear a hat) then add machines and maybe even animals (sup elephants and dolphins) to create a single gigantic worldbrain. As computer simulations of brain tissue get better, the AI will go from being mostly human to mostly artificial. The death of a fully integrated human body wouldn’t cause an interruption in that human’s consciousness, because most of it would be distributed across the entire worldbrain.
I believe that extant technology could be used to do this and actually wrote up a technical proposal that I didn’t disseminate (it wasn’t great and I didn’t see anyone being persuaded by it so I trashed it). The technical risk is mostly in testing and some assumptions about the way the brain works that I view as ‘plausible’ given the state of the art, but far from ‘proven’