The standards of life abruptly stop correlating with economic growth after a certain point. The whole first world has been far past that point from a while by now, economic growth only correlates with standard of life when it suddenly tanks hard in an economic crisis. Also Europe has the same living standards of the USA and a pro-capita carbon footprint that’s about 1⁄4. Part of it might be due to Europe moving a lot of polluting industries outside it’s borders, but it doesn’t seem even close to explain all the gap.
The standards of life abruptly stop correlating with economic growth after a certain point. The whole first world has been far past that point from a while by now, economic growth only correlates with standard of life when it suddenly tanks hard in an economic crisis. Also Europe has the same living standards of the USA and a pro-capita carbon footprint that’s about 1⁄4. Part of it might be due to Europe moving a lot of polluting industries outside it’s borders, but it doesn’t seem even close to explain all the gap.