Today 4PM: Last minute Houston meetup

Saturday June 18, 4:00PM

TX/​RX Labs Hackerspace

2010 Commerce St

Houston, TX 77002

My apologies for the last minute meetup group notice. I am running an experiment this weekend, but I was uncertain until yesterday as to when I could use the equipment. I let the core group know yesterday. On the small chance that someone on these boards who has not shown up to the Houston meeting will see this and really want to come, there will be a LW meetup at the above address today at 4PM. We will be discussing the second chapter in ET Jaynes “The Logic of Science”, play a few rounds of paranoid debating, and perhaps watch and discuss some videos on economics. A pizza can be ordered upon request.


A pictoral view


This is the set of buildings that the hackerspace is in. It’s difficult to see our front from this angle - unfortunately google maps decided to map everything but our little section of commerce street. It’s near where the white truck and red motorcycle are. Currently, there is an old military vehicle and generator in front. We will have a Less Wrong sign posted on the generator.

Empy Lot

And this is the empty lot that you can park in if all the nearby marked spots are taken.

For more reference:
