Well, this isn’t something I’m an expert in. Most of my knowledge of the topic comes from this SEP article, which I would in any case just be summarizing if I tried to explain the debate. The article is much clearer than I’m likely to be. So you’re probably just better off reading that, especially the intro and section 3: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-motivation/
That article uses the phrase ‘moral judgement’ of course, but anyway I think tabooing the term (rather than explaining and then using it) is probably counterproductive.
Well, this isn’t something I’m an expert in. Most of my knowledge of the topic comes from this SEP article, which I would in any case just be summarizing if I tried to explain the debate. The article is much clearer than I’m likely to be. So you’re probably just better off reading that, especially the intro and section 3: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-motivation/
That article uses the phrase ‘moral judgement’ of course, but anyway I think tabooing the term (rather than explaining and then using it) is probably counterproductive.
I’d of course be happy to discuss the article.