Sorry, I understand the technical point about causal graphs you are refering to, but I do not understand the argument you’re trying to make with it in this context.
Suppose it’s the year 2100, and we have figured out the true underlying laws of physics, and it turns out that we run on a cellular automaton, and we have some very large and energy-intensive instruments that allow us to set up experiments where we can precisely set up the states of individual primitive cells. Now we want to use probabilistic reasoning to examine the time evolution of a cluster of such cells if we have only probabilistic information about the boundary conditions. Since this is a completely ordinary cellular automaton, we can describe it using a causal model, where the state of a cell at time t+1 is caused by its own state and the state of its neighbours at time t.
In this case, causality is really fundamentally there in the laws of physics (in a discrete analog of what we suspect for our actual laws of physics). And though you can’t reach in from the outside of the universe, it’s possible to imagine scenarios where you could do the equivalent of do() on some of the cells in your experiment, though it wouldn’t really be done by acausally changing what happens in the universe—one way to imagine it is that your experiment runs only in a two-dimensional slice surrounded by a “vacuum” of cells in a “zero” state, and you can reach in through that vacuum to change one of the cells in the two-dimensional grid.
But when it comes to how to model this inside a computer, it seems that you can reach all the conclusions you need by “ordinary” probabilistic reasoning: For example, you could start with say a uniform joint probability distribution over the state of all cells in your experiment at all times; then you condition on the fact that they fulfill the laws of physics, i.e. the time evolution rule of the cellular automaton; then you condition again on what you know about the boundary conditions, e.g. the fact that your experimental apparatus reaches in through the third dimension at some point to change the state of some cells. It’s extraordinarily inefficient to represent the joint distribution as a giant look-up table of probabilities, but I do not see what inferences you want but are going to lose by doing the calculations that way.
(All of this holds even if the true laws happen to be deterministic in only one direction in time, so that in your experiment you can distinguish a → b → c from c → b → a by reaching in through the third dimension at time b.)
It depends on granularity. If you are talking about your game of life world on the level of the rules of the game, that is equivalent to talking about our Universe on the level of the universal wave function. In both cases there are no more agents with actuators and no more do(.), as a result. That is, it’s not that your factorization will be causal, it’s that there is no causality.
But if you are taking a more granular view of your game of life world, similar to the macroscopic view of our Universe, where there are agents that can push and prod their environment, then suddenly talking about do(.) becomes useful for getting things done (just like it is useful to talk about addition or derivatives). On this macroscopic level, there is causality, but then your statement about all factorizations being causal is false (due to obvious examples involving reversing causal chains, for example).
Sorry, I understand the technical point about causal graphs you are refering to, but I do not understand the argument you’re trying to make with it in this context.
Suppose it’s the year 2100, and we have figured out the true underlying laws of physics, and it turns out that we run on a cellular automaton, and we have some very large and energy-intensive instruments that allow us to set up experiments where we can precisely set up the states of individual primitive cells. Now we want to use probabilistic reasoning to examine the time evolution of a cluster of such cells if we have only probabilistic information about the boundary conditions. Since this is a completely ordinary cellular automaton, we can describe it using a causal model, where the state of a cell at time t+1 is caused by its own state and the state of its neighbours at time t.
In this case, causality is really fundamentally there in the laws of physics (in a discrete analog of what we suspect for our actual laws of physics). And though you can’t reach in from the outside of the universe, it’s possible to imagine scenarios where you could do the equivalent of do() on some of the cells in your experiment, though it wouldn’t really be done by acausally changing what happens in the universe—one way to imagine it is that your experiment runs only in a two-dimensional slice surrounded by a “vacuum” of cells in a “zero” state, and you can reach in through that vacuum to change one of the cells in the two-dimensional grid.
But when it comes to how to model this inside a computer, it seems that you can reach all the conclusions you need by “ordinary” probabilistic reasoning: For example, you could start with say a uniform joint probability distribution over the state of all cells in your experiment at all times; then you condition on the fact that they fulfill the laws of physics, i.e. the time evolution rule of the cellular automaton; then you condition again on what you know about the boundary conditions, e.g. the fact that your experimental apparatus reaches in through the third dimension at some point to change the state of some cells. It’s extraordinarily inefficient to represent the joint distribution as a giant look-up table of probabilities, but I do not see what inferences you want but are going to lose by doing the calculations that way.
(All of this holds even if the true laws happen to be deterministic in only one direction in time, so that in your experiment you can distinguish a → b → c from c → b → a by reaching in through the third dimension at time b.)
It depends on granularity. If you are talking about your game of life world on the level of the rules of the game, that is equivalent to talking about our Universe on the level of the universal wave function. In both cases there are no more agents with actuators and no more do(.), as a result. That is, it’s not that your factorization will be causal, it’s that there is no causality.
But if you are taking a more granular view of your game of life world, similar to the macroscopic view of our Universe, where there are agents that can push and prod their environment, then suddenly talking about do(.) becomes useful for getting things done (just like it is useful to talk about addition or derivatives). On this macroscopic level, there is causality, but then your statement about all factorizations being causal is false (due to obvious examples involving reversing causal chains, for example).