A Baclofen is one of only two substances known to affect the GABA-B receptor in the brain, and the only one that is itself non-addictive. Through the GABA-B receptor, baclofen has a beneficial effect on three neurotransmitters — dopamine, glutamate, and GABA — that are part of the brain’s reward system and are involved in all addictive and compulsive behaviors, as well as in disorders such as anxiety and depression. More research is needed to discover exactly how baclofen does this.
Wow, that really didn’t take much legwork. I guess I should have at least looked that far.
Speaking of promising solutions that won’t catch on due to predjudices, inertia, and lack of financial incenives, “Psychedelics” (loosely defined) are also prettyeffectiveat this if used right.
Great! now that we’ve both signalled our allegiance to the h+ ideology, would you like to mate with me!?
for an explanation of why I call this “Hansonian”, see, for example, this. Hanson has lots of posts on how charity, ideology, etc is all about affiliating with a tribe and finding mates.
As an aside, I love what you get when you google Hansonian. Most of the top results are in reference to Robin Hanson, and among my favorites are “Hansonian Normality”, the “Hansonian world”, and “Hansonian robot growth”. (Un?)Fortunately, “Hansonian abduction” is attributed to a different Hanson.
The tech might already exist, but prejudices, inertia, and the lack of a strong financial incentive have kept it from being adequately tested.
Maybe if people would eat more fish oil they’d be more mentally flexible.
That website just had claims of “It works!” which by itself isn’t all that credible.
How do we know it actually works? Whats the theory behind it?
From http://www.olivierameisen.com/faq
Wow, that really didn’t take much legwork. I guess I should have at least looked that far.
Speaking of promising solutions that won’t catch on due to predjudices, inertia, and lack of financial incenives, “Psychedelics” (loosely defined) are also pretty effectiveat this if used right.
Great! now that we’ve both signalled our allegiance to the h+ ideology, would you like to mate with me!?
for an explanation of why I call this “Hansonian”, see, for example, this. Hanson has lots of posts on how charity, ideology, etc is all about affiliating with a tribe and finding mates.
Hansionain, twice? Really?
As an aside, I love what you get when you google Hansonian. Most of the top results are in reference to Robin Hanson, and among my favorites are “Hansonian Normality”, the “Hansonian world”, and “Hansonian robot growth”. (Un?)Fortunately, “Hansonian abduction” is attributed to a different Hanson.
I wish my name was an adjective.