I’ve never asked, you this, but I should have. You’ve mentioned having access to the UW library. I assume this is the same University of Washington that I have access to? Do you have access to ILL?
I have a proxy so I have access to anything for which IP-based authentication is sufficient, which is a lot of the regular academic journals—but to get ILL and a number of the more expensive databases like LexisNexis, I would need a valid UWash username/password (which I don’t have).
Lee, T. D., & Genovese, E. D. (1988). “Distribution of practice in motor skill acquisition: Learning and performance effects reconsidered”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 59, 277-287
Ammons, R. B. (1988). “Distribution of practice in motor skill acquisition: A few questions and comments”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 59, 288–290
Christina, R. W., & Shea, J. B. (1988). “The limitations of generalization based on restricted information”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 59, 291–297
Newell, K. M., Antoniou, A., & Carlton, L. G. (1988). “Massed and distributed practice effects: Phenomena in search of a theory?” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 59, 308–313
Goode, S., & Magill, R. A. (1986). “Contextual interference effects in learning three badminton serves”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 57, 308–314
Here they are:
1 2 3 4 5
All Requested.
I’ve never asked, you this, but I should have. You’ve mentioned having access to the UW library. I assume this is the same University of Washington that I have access to? Do you have access to ILL?
Yes; no.
I have a proxy so I have access to anything for which IP-based authentication is sufficient, which is a lot of the regular academic journals—but to get ILL and a number of the more expensive databases like LexisNexis, I would need a valid UWash username/password (which I don’t have).
Ok, cool, that clears it up for me.