Experts estimate that, as an industry, we waste roughly 25%—or approximately US$30 billion—of our annual upstream expenditures.
One possible attack for a citation is, besides the obvious searches for those two figures or looking for related government reports/statistics, is looking for a McKinsey report on that industry written before then; they’re widely read but not always cited, and they have industry-wide views because of their prestige and numerous clients.
Another would be stock broker research, especially from one of the top research banks (Morgan Stanley, Merryl Lynch), though this’d probably be harder to get access to.
One possible attack for a citation is, besides the obvious searches for those two figures or looking for related government reports/statistics, is looking for a McKinsey report on that industry written before then; they’re widely read but not always cited, and they have industry-wide views because of their prestige and numerous clients.
Another would be stock broker research, especially from one of the top research banks (Morgan Stanley, Merryl Lynch), though this’d probably be harder to get access to.