Matters a little, A wife or a mistress of an emperor could hope only to survive some more. Her son might become the new emperor. He might, she could not.
By Yvain’s hypothesis, she possesses all human knowledge as of 2012. That makes her (along with all the other competitors) strongly superhuman. In my book, she wins simply because her declared strategy means she starts closer to the throne than anyone else.
I doubt, 1000 at least, Roman women were constantly on the same mission, with little or no success for themselves.
But did they have all their teeth and oracular powers?
Matters a little, A wife or a mistress of an emperor could hope only to survive some more. Her son might become the new emperor. He might, she could not.
By Yvain’s hypothesis, she possesses all human knowledge as of 2012. That makes her (along with all the other competitors) strongly superhuman. In my book, she wins simply because her declared strategy means she starts closer to the throne than anyone else.