No need. It only needs to be possible for
Can anyone predict with complete certainty?
to be true!
So how do you know what’s possible? Do you have data, by any chance? Pray tell!
Are you going to assert that your preferences are stored outside your brain, beyond the reach of causality? Perhaps in some kind of platonic realm?
Mood—check, that shows up in facial expressions, at least.
Season—check, all you have to do is look out the window, or look at the calendar.
Last food you ate—check, I can follow you around for a day, or just scan your stomach.
This line of argument really seems futile. Is it so hard to believe that your mind is made of parts, just like everything else in the universe?
So, show me.
Current theme: default
Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
No need. It only needs to be possible for
to be true!
So how do you know what’s possible? Do you have data, by any chance? Pray tell!
Are you going to assert that your preferences are stored outside your brain, beyond the reach of causality? Perhaps in some kind of platonic realm?
Mood—check, that shows up in facial expressions, at least.
Season—check, all you have to do is look out the window, or look at the calendar.
Last food you ate—check, I can follow you around for a day, or just scan your stomach.
This line of argument really seems futile. Is it so hard to believe that your mind is made of parts, just like everything else in the universe?
So, show me.