Hearthstone has recently released Zephrys the Great, a card that looks at the public gamestate and gives you a choice between three cards that would be useful right now. You can see it in action here. I am impressed in the diversity of the choices it gives. An advisor AI that seems friendlier than Amazon’s/Youtube’s recommendation algorithm, because its secondary optimization incentive is fun, not money!
Could we get them to opensource the implementation so people could try writing different advisor AIs to use in the card’s place for, say, their weekly rule-changing Tavern Brawls?
Hearthstone has recently released Zephrys the Great, a card that looks at the public gamestate and gives you a choice between three cards that would be useful right now. You can see it in action here. I am impressed in the diversity of the choices it gives. An advisor AI that seems friendlier than Amazon’s/Youtube’s recommendation algorithm, because its secondary optimization incentive is fun, not money!
Could we get them to opensource the implementation so people could try writing different advisor AIs to use in the card’s place for, say, their weekly rule-changing Tavern Brawls?