Phase transitions are definitely on the todo list of things to reinvent. Haven’t thought about lattice waves or phonons; I generally haven’t been assuming any symmetry (including time symmetry) in the Bayes net, which makes such concepts trickier to port over.
I guess even without symmetry if one assumes finite interaction time, and the nearest-neighbor-only interaction, an analog of the light cone emerges from these two assumptions. As in, Nth neighbor is unaffected until the time Nt where t is the characteristic interaction time. But I assume you are claiming something much less trivial than that.
I’m wondering if you are reinventing lattice waves., phonons and maybe even phase transitions in the Ising model.
Phase transitions are definitely on the todo list of things to reinvent. Haven’t thought about lattice waves or phonons; I generally haven’t been assuming any symmetry (including time symmetry) in the Bayes net, which makes such concepts trickier to port over.
I guess even without symmetry if one assumes finite interaction time, and the nearest-neighbor-only interaction, an analog of the light cone emerges from these two assumptions. As in, Nth neighbor is unaffected until the time Nt where t is the characteristic interaction time. But I assume you are claiming something much less trivial than that.