I think that running an AI in this way is no worse than simply having the code of an AGI exist. I agree that just having the code sitting around is probably dangerous.
Nod, in terms of direct danger the two cases aren’t much different. The difference in risk is only due to the psychological impact on our fellow humans. The Pascal’s Commons becomes that much more salient to them. (Yes, I did just make that term up. The implications of the combination are clear I hope.)
I think that running an AI in this way is no worse than simply having the code of an AGI exist. I agree that just having the code sitting around is probably dangerous.
Nod, in terms of direct danger the two cases aren’t much different. The difference in risk is only due to the psychological impact on our fellow humans. The Pascal’s Commons becomes that much more salient to them. (Yes, I did just make that term up. The implications of the combination are clear I hope.)