It seems to me that simply breaking the homomorphic encryption would be the most likely outcome here. Note that we’re relying on a human-created code to provide security against a superintelligence, and breaking code systems (or at least determining routes of attack that provide a method that has a certain chance of breaking the code system within a certain number of cycles, et cetera, et cetera) is something we do fairly routinely. I think it’s far more likely that the AI will simply deduce the method by which we have confined it and break the code. If we’re positing an AI that could destroy the universe through the heat output of the processor it’s running on, the only real answer is “don’t run it”.
It seems to me that simply breaking the homomorphic encryption would be the most likely outcome here. Note that we’re relying on a human-created code to provide security against a superintelligence, and breaking code systems (or at least determining routes of attack that provide a method that has a certain chance of breaking the code system within a certain number of cycles, et cetera, et cetera) is something we do fairly routinely. I think it’s far more likely that the AI will simply deduce the method by which we have confined it and break the code. If we’re positing an AI that could destroy the universe through the heat output of the processor it’s running on, the only real answer is “don’t run it”.