Not to worry, I’m secure in my talents, as a tradpubbed author of ten years. If by this time I could not write well, I would choose a different pursuit. I appreciate your good intentions but my ego is uninjured and not in need of coddling. It is a hardened mass of scar tissue as a consequence of growing up autistic in a less sensitive time.
This article in fact was originally posted on a monetized platform, which is why it’s in that style you dislike. You certainly have a nose for it. I didn’t know to tailor it to this community’s preferences as I have only just begun posting here and as yet I’m unfamiliar with those preferences.
I will take your feedback into account. Failure is nothing but a lesson, and a typical outcome of any first attempt at something, in a new environment. Subsequent posts will be more refined, and tailored to this audience, as I get to know it better.
Not to worry, I’m secure in my talents, as a tradpubbed author of ten years. If by this time I could not write well, I would choose a different pursuit. I appreciate your good intentions but my ego is uninjured and not in need of coddling. It is a hardened mass of scar tissue as a consequence of growing up autistic in a less sensitive time.
This article in fact was originally posted on a monetized platform, which is why it’s in that style you dislike. You certainly have a nose for it. I didn’t know to tailor it to this community’s preferences as I have only just begun posting here and as yet I’m unfamiliar with those preferences.
I will take your feedback into account. Failure is nothing but a lesson, and a typical outcome of any first attempt at something, in a new environment. Subsequent posts will be more refined, and tailored to this audience, as I get to know it better.