By styling I mean aesthetic flourish, which is largely irrelevant to aerodynamics. The point I’m making is that aesthetic styling isn’t predictable because it isn’t governed by the physics of rocketry, where the features necessary to its function are predictable.
The Wernher Von Braun rocket has a very pointy head which is bad for aerodynamics, which was not obvious at the time. Even starship is more pointy than would be optimal for silly meme reasons.
All the images of the car models also have bad aerodynamics.
The styling of the solar car prototypes we have is very much driven by aerodynamics. The styling differences of Tesla’s battery-driven trucks compared to previous trucks are largely driven by aerodynamics.
In the time before wind tunnels and computer simulations aerodynamics considerations were not obvious and thus the predictions didn’t include them.
Our cars currently having silly side-mirrors also isn’t aesthetics but just bad lawmaking.
Our cars have seats that allow the driver to have their head against the seat. That’s not just aesthetics but reduces whiplash.
I’m not even a car nerd. Someone who knows a lot about cars can likely tell you a lot of additional elements that are present in today’s cars but that don’t exist in those images that exist for functional reasons.
Building a vehicle so that it’s aerodynamically efficient is more than just styling.
By styling I mean aesthetic flourish, which is largely irrelevant to aerodynamics. The point I’m making is that aesthetic styling isn’t predictable because it isn’t governed by the physics of rocketry, where the features necessary to its function are predictable.
The Wernher Von Braun rocket has a very pointy head which is bad for aerodynamics, which was not obvious at the time. Even starship is more pointy than would be optimal for silly meme reasons.
All the images of the car models also have bad aerodynamics.
The styling of the solar car prototypes we have is very much driven by aerodynamics. The styling differences of Tesla’s battery-driven trucks compared to previous trucks are largely driven by aerodynamics.
In the time before wind tunnels and computer simulations aerodynamics considerations were not obvious and thus the predictions didn’t include them.
Our cars currently having silly side-mirrors also isn’t aesthetics but just bad lawmaking.
Our cars have seats that allow the driver to have their head against the seat. That’s not just aesthetics but reduces whiplash.
I’m not even a car nerd. Someone who knows a lot about cars can likely tell you a lot of additional elements that are present in today’s cars but that don’t exist in those images that exist for functional reasons.