Are the descending number prefixes by the albums your own playcounts? Or something related to that analysis?
In each case, they’re the number of tracks in my collection. So I have 293 files, and of them, 3 are from the album 東方志奏 12th Spell -Trick Shooter-, while 1 is by the artist “高瀬”. (The metadata is not perfect so you can see some files had empty fields and some obviously-identical albums or artists are broken up among slightly different versions, eg. Museum of Marasy.)
So awesome, thanks for this.
I do recognise a couple there. Public Service Announcement: everyone who hasn’t already, go listen to 夢裡櫻花 ~ perfeitas flores de cereja/unplugged. Especially track 6.
Are the descending number prefixes by the albums your own playcounts? Or something related to that analysis?
In each case, they’re the number of tracks in my collection. So I have 293 files, and of them, 3 are from the album 東方志奏 12th Spell -Trick Shooter-, while 1 is by the artist “高瀬”. (The metadata is not perfect so you can see some files had empty fields and some obviously-identical albums or artists are broken up among slightly different versions, eg. Museum of Marasy.)