I wonder if LW readers and Jihadists would give similar answers to the Trolley problem.
A hundred bucks says the answer is “no”. Religious fundamentalism is not known to encourage consequential ethics.
There may be certain parallels—I’ve read that engineers and scientists, or students of those disciplines, are disproportionately represented among jihadists—but they’re probably deeper than that.
A hundred bucks says the answer is “no”. Religious fundamentalism is not known to encourage consequential ethics.
That might depend on the consequences.
A runaway trolley is careering down the tracks and will kill a single infidel if it continues. If you pull a lever, it will be switched to a side track and kill five infidels. Do you pull the lever?
The lever is broken, but beside you on the bridge is a very fat man, one of the faithful. Do you push him off the bridge to deflect the trolley and kill five infidels, knowing that he will have his reward for his sacrifice in heaven?
I’ve read that engineers and scientists, or students of those disciplines, are disproportionately represented among jihadists
I’ve also read this, but I want to know if it corrects for the fact that the educational systems in many of the countries that produce most jihadis don’t encourage study of the humanities and certain social sciences. Is it really engineers in particular, or is the educated-but-stifled who happen overwhelmingly to be engineers in these countries?
A hundred bucks says the answer is “no”. Religious fundamentalism is not known to encourage consequential ethics.
There may be certain parallels—I’ve read that engineers and scientists, or students of those disciplines, are disproportionately represented among jihadists—but they’re probably deeper than that.
Also disproportionately represented as the principals in the American Revolution. Inventors, engineers, scientists, architects.
Franklin,Jefferson, Paine, and Washington all had serious inventions. That’s pretty much the first string of the revolution.
That might depend on the consequences.
A runaway trolley is careering down the tracks and will kill a single infidel if it continues. If you pull a lever, it will be switched to a side track and kill five infidels. Do you pull the lever?
The lever is broken, but beside you on the bridge is a very fat man, one of the faithful. Do you push him off the bridge to deflect the trolley and kill five infidels, knowing that he will have his reward for his sacrifice in heaven?
I’ve also read this, but I want to know if it corrects for the fact that the educational systems in many of the countries that produce most jihadis don’t encourage study of the humanities and certain social sciences. Is it really engineers in particular, or is the educated-but-stifled who happen overwhelmingly to be engineers in these countries?