I’ve not personally finished my own arrangements, but I’ll likely be using whole life of some kind. I do know that Rudi Hoffman is an agent well recommended by people who’ve gone the insurance route, so talking to him will likely get you a much better idea of what choices people make (A small warning, his sight is not the prettiest thing). You could also contact the people recommended on Alcor’s Insurance Agents page, if you so desire.
Cryonics question:
For those of you using life insurance to pay your cryonics costs, what sort of policy do you use?
Whole life via Rudi Hoffman for Alcor.
I’ve not personally finished my own arrangements, but I’ll likely be using whole life of some kind. I do know that Rudi Hoffman is an agent well recommended by people who’ve gone the insurance route, so talking to him will likely get you a much better idea of what choices people make (A small warning, his sight is not the prettiest thing). You could also contact the people recommended on Alcor’s Insurance Agents page, if you so desire.