I was going to say, “well, maybe that’s a failure of education, not of intelligence”, but...
Not just “they don’t want to do it” or “it never occurred to them”, but after months and months of attempted explanation they don’t understand that sorting alphabetically or numerically is even a thing. [emphasis added]
Okay, I’m shocked. (It might still be something that people with IQ between (say) 70 and 90 can learn if they’re taught it in elementary school but couldn’t ever learn as adults if they haven’t, but the “privileging the hypothesis” warning light in my brain is on.)
I was going to say, “well, maybe that’s a failure of education, not of intelligence”, but...
Okay, I’m shocked. (It might still be something that people with IQ between (say) 70 and 90 can learn if they’re taught it in elementary school but couldn’t ever learn as adults if they haven’t, but the “privileging the hypothesis” warning light in my brain is on.)
Tangentially, and specifically because I followed the link from LessWrong, this jumped out at me:
“Haitians have a culture of tending not to admit they’re wrong[.]”
(Pretend that this sentence is a list of reasonable caveats about what to conclude from that.)