If everyone’s intelligence were increased, and society stayed the same, and society’s problems stayed the same, that higher intelligence would do better at solving today’s problems than our current intelligence.
But society wouldn’t stay the same, and society’s problems wouldn’t stay the same. People would come up with more complicated organizations, more complicated laws, more complicated financial interactions (credit default swaps), more complicated social roles, et cetera.
We can only hope there is a level of intelligence at which people can appreciate this effect, and design societies that will avoid black swan crashes even at the cost of everyone’s expected personal gain.
It’s not an “attitude”.
If everyone’s intelligence were increased, and society stayed the same, and society’s problems stayed the same, that higher intelligence would do better at solving today’s problems than our current intelligence.
But society wouldn’t stay the same, and society’s problems wouldn’t stay the same. People would come up with more complicated organizations, more complicated laws, more complicated financial interactions (credit default swaps), more complicated social roles, et cetera.
We can only hope there is a level of intelligence at which people can appreciate this effect, and design societies that will avoid black swan crashes even at the cost of everyone’s expected personal gain.