The post-rationalist category can be talked about constructively, although it’s a bit hard to do this in a way that satisfies everyone, especially rationalists, because it require giving up commitment to a single ontology as the only right ontology.
What’s the distinction between this description, and the way orthonormal described post-rationalists?
I see their description as set up against the definition of rationalist, so an eliminative description that says more about what it is not than what it is.
Like “non-Evangelical Protestant”, a label can be useful even if it’s defined as “member of this big cluster but not a member of this or that major subcluster”. It can even have more unity on many features than the big cluster does.
What’s the distinction between this description, and the way orthonormal described post-rationalists?
I see their description as set up against the definition of rationalist, so an eliminative description that says more about what it is not than what it is.
Like “non-Evangelical Protestant”, a label can be useful even if it’s defined as “member of this big cluster but not a member of this or that major subcluster”. It can even have more unity on many features than the big cluster does.