Functional replacement: “Balanced approaches to hanging out with highly admired public figures.” Also a good choice, may be more clear than calling things “cliqueish,” but requires a little more effort than ctrl+f.
Comical google overloading: require all instances to read “cult pancakes” so that the previously mildly bad google autocomplete becomes “lesswrong cult pancakes.”
Oh please no, let this not become a persistent thing. We can think for 5 minutes and find a better way.
Synonym substitution: clique, clan, sect. Perfectly serviceable.
Functional replacement: “Balanced approaches to hanging out with highly admired public figures.” Also a good choice, may be more clear than calling things “cliqueish,” but requires a little more effort than ctrl+f.
Comical google overloading: require all instances to read “cult pancakes” so that the previously mildly bad google autocomplete becomes “lesswrong cult pancakes.”
I was thinking “charismatic public figures”, myself.