There’s a part of your argument I am confused about. The sharp left turn is a sudden change in capabilities. Even if you can see if things are trending one way or the other, how can you see sharp left turns coming? At the end, you clarify that we can’t predict when a left turn will occur, so how do these findings pertain to them? This seems to be more of an attempt to track trends of alignment/misalignment, but I don’t see what new insights it gives us about sharp left turns specifically.
There’s a part of your argument I am confused about. The sharp left turn is a sudden change in capabilities. Even if you can see if things are trending one way or the other, how can you see sharp left turns coming? At the end, you clarify that we can’t predict when a left turn will occur, so how do these findings pertain to them? This seems to be more of an attempt to track trends of alignment/misalignment, but I don’t see what new insights it gives us about sharp left turns specifically.