I tried to write something along these lines a couple times before, but deleted it.
Have these concerns always been with you, but have recently found a voice?
I’m not sure what this means.
Alternatively, did you realize that you had these problems as a result of something you read on Less Wrong or some other recent event?
I get the impression that you posted this after realizing that you were in a funk and had no idea how to get out. How long have you felt the way that you felt when you posted this, or if you feel that way still, the way you feel now?
For the last 5 years.
What about the time leading up to this funk? Did you feel that were accomplished, progressing in your life, accomplishing your goals?
Not really, but I didn’t feel the need to be.
Do you feel that you recently lost an important part of yourself, as if a bit of your self image was dissolved?
In the last year or so, has anything changed in your physical surroundings or routine? These will be keys to discovering why you feel the way you do.
Nothing has changed.
I’m a fan of moving forward, just like everyone on Less Wrong, but it’s likely the proximate cause of your situation will give us a hint at it’s ultimate cause, and may point us in the direction of a solution.
Sorry my answers don’t seem to really say but I suppose that it’s better than not replying at all.
I tried to write something along these lines a couple times before, but deleted it.
I’m not sure what this means.
For the last 5 years.
Not really, but I didn’t feel the need to be.
Nothing has changed.
Sorry my answers don’t seem to really say but I suppose that it’s better than not replying at all.