Embarrassingly silly and small question that I can’t seem to find an answer through Google on, and there don’t seem any good subreddits for:
I’ve compiled some notes I want to have handy to refer to into a 16-page PDF. I want to shrink and rearrange those pages, to print 8 per side onto a standard sheet of paper, so that I can cut, staple, and fold it into a pocket-sized booklet. My last-ditch solution would be to hope a photocopy/print shop wouldn’t charge much to accomplish that… But does anyone here know how to wrestle my doc into usable shape without having to pay cash?
(My available computer is Linux-based. I’m generating the PDF by fiddling with an HTML doc mostly full of tables and ‘printing’ it to a file. Some further fiddling is probably going to improve its presentation, but if you’ve got an auto PDF-to-booklet script handy, or otherwise want to play with it, I’ve tossed my current draft here.)
Printing several pages onto one piece of paper?
Embarrassingly silly and small question that I can’t seem to find an answer through Google on, and there don’t seem any good subreddits for:
I’ve compiled some notes I want to have handy to refer to into a 16-page PDF. I want to shrink and rearrange those pages, to print 8 per side onto a standard sheet of paper, so that I can cut, staple, and fold it into a pocket-sized booklet. My last-ditch solution would be to hope a photocopy/print shop wouldn’t charge much to accomplish that… But does anyone here know how to wrestle my doc into usable shape without having to pay cash?
(My available computer is Linux-based. I’m generating the PDF by fiddling with an HTML doc mostly full of tables and ‘printing’ it to a file. Some further fiddling is probably going to improve its presentation, but if you’ve got an auto PDF-to-booklet script handy, or otherwise want to play with it, I’ve tossed my current draft here.)
psbook is what I’d use—you might need pdftops to get postscript out of the pdf, or perhaps print to a generic postscript printer directly.
StackExchange makes more sense then Reddit for this kind of question. When you are on linux, https://askubuntu.com/ or https://unix.stackexchange.com/ is likely to give you a good answer/