The ML technique known as dropout corresponds to the idea of randomly deleting neurons from the network, and still ensuring that it performs whatever its task is.
So I guess you can make sure that your NN is robust wrt loss of neurons.
Yeah I agree that random dropout is quite similar. However, human brains can continue to function quite well even when the corpus callosotomy (which connects the two hemispheres) is cut of a whole region of the brain is destroyed. I’m not sure exactly what the analogy for that would in a NN, but I don’t think most networks could continue to function with a similarly destructive change.
Humans can also still work reliably with some of their brain cut out. Artificial neural networks seem more fragile.
The ML technique known as dropout corresponds to the idea of randomly deleting neurons from the network, and still ensuring that it performs whatever its task is.
So I guess you can make sure that your NN is robust wrt loss of neurons.
Yeah I agree that random dropout is quite similar. However, human brains can continue to function quite well even when the corpus callosotomy (which connects the two hemispheres) is cut of a whole region of the brain is destroyed. I’m not sure exactly what the analogy for that would in a NN, but I don’t think most networks could continue to function with a similarly destructive change.