People not believing that heavier than air flight was a thing, and Zeppelins eventually becoming obsolete
Various camera film producing firms, notably Kodak, failing to realize that digital was going to be a thing
(Nazi Germany not realizing that the nuclear bomb was going to be a thing)
London not investing in better sanitation until the Great Stink; this applies to mostly every major city.
People not investing in condoms for various reasons
People not coming up with the bicycle as an idea
Navies repeatedly not taking the idea of submarines seriously
Philip LeBon failing to raise interest in his “thermolamp”
So that’s 8⁄50 of the top of my head (9/50 including Blockbuster, mentioned by another commenter)
I also have some examples of technology timelines here and some technology anecdotes from my sample of 50 technologies here, which might serve as inspiration.
I have some data on this on the top of my head from having read the history of 50 mostly random technologies (database.csv in the post):
People not believing that heavier than air flight was a thing, and Zeppelins eventually becoming obsolete
Various camera film producing firms, notably Kodak, failing to realize that digital was going to be a thing
(Nazi Germany not realizing that the nuclear bomb was going to be a thing)
London not investing in better sanitation until the Great Stink; this applies to mostly every major city.
People not investing in condoms for various reasons
People not coming up with the bicycle as an idea
Navies repeatedly not taking the idea of submarines seriously
Philip LeBon failing to raise interest in his “thermolamp”
So that’s 8⁄50 of the top of my head (9/50 including Blockbuster, mentioned by another commenter)
I also have some examples of technology timelines here and some technology anecdotes from my sample of 50 technologies here, which might serve as inspiration.