From what I know about what you shared about your journey I also wouldn’t put yourself in the category of people who hack directly manipulatively on the emotion-layer.
I addition Focusing, Core, Transform Yourself, Internal Family System and Double Crux are all already system that were developed by people who know what they are doing and that went through a lot of practical testing.
If you work on your identity you don’t get into the problem that you changed your emotions and don’t really know who you are anymore.
From what I know about what you shared about your journey I also wouldn’t put yourself in the category of people who hack directly manipulatively on the emotion-layer.
I addition Focusing, Core, Transform Yourself, Internal Family System and Double Crux are all already system that were developed by people who know what they are doing and that went through a lot of practical testing.
If you work on your identity you don’t get into the problem that you changed your emotions and don’t really know who you are anymore.