Most of the arguments you set forth are more fallacious and less relevant than not liking all the author’s fiction.
But that’s because most of the arguments you set forth were of the type “Bay Area rationalists have had a lot of problems and therefore this specific plan will have similar problems.”
Oh, I see. This is the part where you’re too attached to your ingroup to realize what a total failure the Berkeley rationalist community is. I bet you also think the Sequences and HPMOR are well-written.
Part right.
Most of the arguments you set forth are more fallacious and less relevant than not liking all the author’s fiction.
But that’s because most of the arguments you set forth were of the type “Bay Area rationalists have had a lot of problems and therefore this specific plan will have similar problems.”
Oh, I see. This is the part where you’re too attached to your ingroup to realize what a total failure the Berkeley rationalist community is. I bet you also think the Sequences and HPMOR are well-written.