That seems like proving too much, since I don’t yearn for a tribe. Are you sure you aren’t confusing your social needs for a specific dream of fulfilling them?
A motivation can be “extremely pervasive” without being universal. (very few things in psychology are truly universal) You may not share the yearning, but I’ve certainly run into plenty of people who do.
Are you sure you aren’t confusing your social needs with a specific way to fulfill them?
That is possible, and I have made that kind of a mistake before, but if there’s an alternative way of fulfilling them I haven’t found it.
That seems like proving too much, since I don’t yearn for a tribe. Are you sure you aren’t confusing your social needs for a specific dream of fulfilling them?
A motivation can be “extremely pervasive” without being universal. (very few things in psychology are truly universal) You may not share the yearning, but I’ve certainly run into plenty of people who do.
That is possible, and I have made that kind of a mistake before, but if there’s an alternative way of fulfilling them I haven’t found it.