I know her and she has earned some charity from me. You’re a stranger soliciting a line of credit. Also, her task is “opine on Tumblr” and yours is “benevolent dictatorship”. If you want me to convey to her that your feelings were hurt I could do that for you, I suppose.
It’s less that my feelings were hurt (they were, a little, but I’ve developed a pretty thick skin around “strangers are wrong about me”), and more that you’re saying, to me, “hey, please don’t be uncharitable or overly critical or focus on point-scoring,” and I think the point-scoring exhibited in that post would cause me, in your shoes, to make a symmetric point to my friend. It’s a consistency thing, of supporting the norms I want to see in all places, ignoring partisan or loyalty lines (being willing to call out my allies as much as I’m willing to call out a stranger or an enemy).
I guess if I were to ask you to convey a message, it would be “this person thinks you’ve jumped to unfounded conclusions, and wonders what odds you’d put on ‘I might be wrong.’”
I know her and she has earned some charity from me. You’re a stranger soliciting a line of credit. Also, her task is “opine on Tumblr” and yours is “benevolent dictatorship”. If you want me to convey to her that your feelings were hurt I could do that for you, I suppose.
It’s less that my feelings were hurt (they were, a little, but I’ve developed a pretty thick skin around “strangers are wrong about me”), and more that you’re saying, to me, “hey, please don’t be uncharitable or overly critical or focus on point-scoring,” and I think the point-scoring exhibited in that post would cause me, in your shoes, to make a symmetric point to my friend. It’s a consistency thing, of supporting the norms I want to see in all places, ignoring partisan or loyalty lines (being willing to call out my allies as much as I’m willing to call out a stranger or an enemy).
I guess if I were to ask you to convey a message, it would be “this person thinks you’ve jumped to unfounded conclusions, and wonders what odds you’d put on ‘I might be wrong.’”
I don’t really see the situations as symmetrical or calling for identical norms.