After reading the “What is Dragon Army [Barracks]?”, my emotional response was “oooh, maybe I want to join!”, whereas before, my emotional tone was “looks interesting and I want to see what happens”+”long-term social commitment tied to housing, ahhhhhhhh”
Less positive:
“its members are willing to hold doubt in reserve and act with full force in spite of reservations—if they’re willing to trust me more than they trust their own sense of things (at least in the moment, pending later explanation and recalibration on my part or theirs or both).”
Owwwww. This is not a thing I think I’m capable of, and this is not a thing I think I want to twist myself into being capable of. That said, there’s an approximation to this (which might or might not be what you are actually pointing at), which I could easily see myself doing: it could become the case that my sense of things would frequently be “Duncan has more domain knowledge and better intuitions and a better sense of things than I do here”, and I could possibly act with full force in spite of reservations when that is my sense of things (and am in fact doing something like that right now by posting here rather than on your FB wall), but, at least for me, trust is not yet a decision or a choice, but a thing that is built.
Relatedly, I think point 5 in the code of conduct is where I have the most internal pushback; committing to being unconditionally fully present and supportive, even if, e.g., I’m emotionally blown out or ~triggered, seems … violating.
It’s more the latter approximation, but it is nonzero the first thing, which is a skill I think extremely worth building for transfer to other arenas (e.g. “I have no reason to be greater than 1% confident that this strategy to ameliorate AI ex-risk will work, but also it will only work if I try full-force for six months, and I don’t have any better options...”).
Note that rule 1 (protect yourself) supersedes rule 5 (maybe that wasn’t clear) and there will be ways to regain face/the house is committed to not doing the Stupid Thing.
After reading the “What is Dragon Army [Barracks]?”, my emotional response was “oooh, maybe I want to join!”, whereas before, my emotional tone was “looks interesting and I want to see what happens”+”long-term social commitment tied to housing, ahhhhhhhh”
Less positive:
“its members are willing to hold doubt in reserve and act with full force in spite of reservations—if they’re willing to trust me more than they trust their own sense of things (at least in the moment, pending later explanation and recalibration on my part or theirs or both).” Owwwww. This is not a thing I think I’m capable of, and this is not a thing I think I want to twist myself into being capable of. That said, there’s an approximation to this (which might or might not be what you are actually pointing at), which I could easily see myself doing: it could become the case that my sense of things would frequently be “Duncan has more domain knowledge and better intuitions and a better sense of things than I do here”, and I could possibly act with full force in spite of reservations when that is my sense of things (and am in fact doing something like that right now by posting here rather than on your FB wall), but, at least for me, trust is not yet a decision or a choice, but a thing that is built.
Relatedly, I think point 5 in the code of conduct is where I have the most internal pushback; committing to being unconditionally fully present and supportive, even if, e.g., I’m emotionally blown out or ~triggered, seems … violating.
It’s more the latter approximation, but it is nonzero the first thing, which is a skill I think extremely worth building for transfer to other arenas (e.g. “I have no reason to be greater than 1% confident that this strategy to ameliorate AI ex-risk will work, but also it will only work if I try full-force for six months, and I don’t have any better options...”).
Note that rule 1 (protect yourself) supersedes rule 5 (maybe that wasn’t clear) and there will be ways to regain face/the house is committed to not doing the Stupid Thing.