Comply’s foam tips: they replace the more common tips for in-ear earphones and isolate you from the outside world much more than noise canceling. It’s basically having earphones + earplugs, thanks to the foam. If you live in a noisy environment they may radically change your life for the better. You need to learn the correct procedure to fit them properly (it’s easy, you can find videos on how to do it for earplugs. It is the same procedure). I recommend them for watching movies or reading/studying while listening to nature sounds.
A gaming console: I bought a PS4 a couple of years ago and it has been one of the best decisions in the last four years. This is valid if you already plan to allocate some time to gaming and if you manage not to get addicted to it.
A beach chair or a big chair with the same inclination to read more comfortably and not fall asleep (this is the problem if you read on the bed). I can’t recommend a specific chair, because I don’t know exactly where you can find my own.
Tablet: much better for reading anything on the internet. I find it strains my eyes much less. I can’t recommend a particular one… I owned two and both were great.
A Kindle e-reader: much cheaper to read, easier due to less weight and having many books in the same place. As a result you will probably read more.
A big desk with adjustable height with a big chair with adjustable height.
Comply’s foam tips: they replace the more common tips for in-ear earphones and isolate you from the outside world much more than noise canceling. It’s basically having earphones + earplugs, thanks to the foam. If you live in a noisy environment they may radically change your life for the better. You need to learn the correct procedure to fit them properly (it’s easy, you can find videos on how to do it for earplugs. It is the same procedure). I recommend them for watching movies or reading/studying while listening to nature sounds.
A gaming console: I bought a PS4 a couple of years ago and it has been one of the best decisions in the last four years. This is valid if you already plan to allocate some time to gaming and if you manage not to get addicted to it.
A beach chair or a big chair with the same inclination to read more comfortably and not fall asleep (this is the problem if you read on the bed). I can’t recommend a specific chair, because I don’t know exactly where you can find my own.
Tablet: much better for reading anything on the internet. I find it strains my eyes much less. I can’t recommend a particular one… I owned two and both were great.
A Kindle e-reader: much cheaper to read, easier due to less weight and having many books in the same place. As a result you will probably read more.
A big desk with adjustable height with a big chair with adjustable height.
I probably have left something out.