This is probably not super obvious
Tyler Alterman
Karma: 35
One possible additional mechanism: Feedback—Are you able to dynamically gauge the understanding of the audience? The closer to realtime the better.
A conversation is a high-feedback method of communicating EA—your audience can clear up their confusions by asking questions, or by making confused expressions that prompt you to clarify a point.
Above you talk about depth and nuance like they are two separate concepts
This use of safety might be unintuitive for most people.
I’d nix this—seems like you’re calling Eliezer out
WDYT of the idea of hosting some sort of “speed-friending” type thing at the next EAG? E.g., speed-friending for EA org members would be great.
Let’s keep this in mind for launching the prediction market
Dangerous feedback loop for startups and societies:
Proportion of people with broad expertise declines →
Systems based on judgement and initiative fall apart →
Replacement by rule-based systems (which do not train broad expertise) -^