Reading experience is rather abyssimal. Having just text-on-borderless-white is bad, the font could use some work, any structures for the eye to catch on etc.
Also many of the more interesting eg fun things to do require quite a bit of money. Most forms of travelling, medical interventions, most hobbies like climbing/hiking/boardgames etc. etcetc.
Found it already. chinese instead of marys room yielded
If each page of the rule book corresponded to one neuron of a native speaker’s brain, then probably we’d be talking about a “rule book” at leas the size of the Earth, its pages searchable by a swarm of robots traveling at close to the speed of light. When you put it that way, maybe it’s not so hard to imagine this enormous Chinese-speaking entity that we’ve brought into being might have something we’d be prepared to call understanding or insight.
Huh. Indeed and of course I obviously mean chinese room. Might be enough help, thanks!
I am not sure if I read it here or on SSC, but someone tried to estimate how a “mary’s room” equivalent for the human brain would look like. A moon sized library on which robotic crawlers run around at decent fractions of c …
Anybody having info on that?
Unfortunately I have to retract my above statement, I checked .
Q:Does it speed up the development timeline at all? A:Aubrey de Grey, SENS[S]: A lot, yes.
No concrete timeframe, but he also gives estimates:
Seems as if he gives a 50yo has about 50% chance to be around when SENS comes.
Bit late but Aubrey de Grey in his latest reddit AMA estimates that Crispr/CAS9 cuts off about 20 (!) years of the SENS/immortality timeline.
1) Yours is not the first account of being offended I have heard. Unfortunately it makes sense. Everyone thinks of themselves as “being a nice person”, even if the only money they give to charity is a dollar a week to the homeless.
Pursuing the much loftier goal of eg. giving 10% attacks this fundamental identity basis; and since there is no argumentative recourse, they can only react on the emotional level. Its an immune response.
I also have a terrible nailbiting problem whose advanced progression comes to a point that it needs a solution. Good to know about the e-cig helping.
Since you didnt receive a lot of feedback, my thoughts:
a) Take your highest ranking EA orgs and ask them if they would benefit from having a car available to them. Donate car to that NGO.
b) Sell car at market value and donate money.
No clue to taxes, not being US-based.
Seems to be mostly Asia getting richer. Hans Rosling gives a very impressive talk with amazing visuals about that here: You can also play with the data for yourself
Within four years, Google hopes to have the autonomous vehicles commercially available and citizens throughout the U.S. regularly riding in them, Urmson said.
Google Inc. threw the auto industry another curve ball Wednesday, saying its autonomous cars should be on public roads within five years without having to drive through a thicket of regulatory red tape.
Both sources are from 2015, the first one from january, second from last week. I think it unlikely (<10%) that they are going to overperfom by more than a single year, and very likely (70%) to take at least a year longer.
Remember, its not only a technological problem, but the inertia in a vast system. Insurance+lawmakers etc need to finish their side as well.
Elon Musk, someone who can reasonably called domain expert on innovative car systems, gives the same range:
The three-year estimate, Musk says, is when he thinks the technology will be ready. It could take longer for government regulations around the issue to go into effect. He acknowledged that it will take time for regulators to say “it’s okay to go to sleep in the car”—maybe another one to three years.
Note that I only looked up Musks opinion after I wrote the first part.
Study existing literature. this guy got a lot of good press in germany, apparently he has written extensively on big infrastructure projects and cost overruns. I find Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition
- Mar 22, 2015, 6:51 PM; 0 points) 's comment on Open thread, Mar. 16 - Mar. 22, 2015 by (
Keep in mind that Amelia herself is a powerful witch, and thus “you are not meant to know” is kinda-sorta expected in those circles, and a most valid excuse for basically anything weird or unexplainable.
Canon!Salazar is a bloodpurist already. He and the other founders of Hogwarts have a big row about it- who should be able to attend Hogwarts? Only the pureblooded! Apparently this is the reason why he built the chamber of secrets in the first place… Awesome theory otherwise.
Bad data. I have not read the original research study whose findings were later likened to those of cocain, and am a bit suspicious how similar they actually are. “study the neurology” instead of “neurochemistry” would be more accurate, I guess.
Well OPs stated goal is to end the strange behaviour they have around their ex, which takes away their agency. While a common problem within humans, it appears to be solved mostly with time- eg it is unsolved. We have some (bad) data available that this is actually very similar to some kinds of addiction. And while certainly addiction is nowhere near 100% curable, (or we would have heard of that by now) my prior for “having found some better than placebo treatments for one of the major drug addiction (cocaine)” is 70-80 percent. So I do give “investigate this line of thinking, speak with experts” at least a high enough investeded-time/chance of success- ratio to be worth considering. That was my thought process for using rational, is the explanation satisfying?
Sorry I failed to make myself clear. To put it simply back: it feels as if you are in pain or intoxicated, because thats exactly what it is, for example. Your system 1 is in desperate need to get its fix OR stop the hurting, even if system 2 is fine. The obvious way to combat it and your accompanied loss of agency is to precommit in some way to stop being around them, but also to ignore their wishes in the future. The way this happens for a lot of people is rationalizing undesired qualities to their expartners, having strong peer pressure etc. Because system 1 is so strong on this front, depending on your own stability, it can actually be dangerous to fight it too much with system 2. For the whole system 1 against system 2, mindfulness meditation is useful.
The question “is heartbreak the way humans experience it right now a good thing” is one of the more complex questions about the human condition,yes. My mental modell of all that is kinda like the following:
On an neurochemical level, the way “love” stimulates the reward-centers has been likened to “cocaine”.Its an extremely strong conditioning, addiction even. So of course your brain wants to satisfy that condition by all means possible. If we have a look at popular culture, its kinda expected to have extreme reactions to heartbreak: people fall into depression, start rationalizing all kinds of really crazy behaviour (stalking, death threats, lifechanging roadtrips) etc etc.
To avoid all that you have to thoroughly impress on your emotional side that its over: thats why some people do the whole “burn everything that connects me with her”, others just overwrite that old emotion with new (irrational)emotions like anger, hold a symbolic funeral, repeat it to youself everyday in a mirror etc.
Unfortunately I am not aware of studies about optimal treatment of heartbreak, but common wisdom is: NO contact at all in the beginning, allow yourself to grieve, find solace with friends/familiy, and somehow redefine your sense of selfesteem- take up painting/coding/comething you have always wanted to do. If one wanted to go the rational route: research neurochemistry, find out wether its really like cocaine-addiction, do whatever helps with cocaine-withdrawal. (or the other most closely related drug-withdrawal).
Re: cure for dandruff, do you consider this adequate?