I found the community in spring 2020 through HPMOR which I found while bored and reading stories online. When I learned that there were other people using such witchcraft as “not only using reasoning on math exercises, but also issues in the real world”, I was sold.
Crocker’s Rules and Metahonesty are in effect (on me) at all times.
You can always message me and I will not be upset. No anxiety needed around “bugging” me.
If I say something and you think “Wow! He sounds like a moron who doesn’t understand humans!”, you’ve misunderstood and I was trying to make a more subtle point. Extend me charity and I’ll find it low cost to extend it to you.
(Expressing confusion here, not frustration or another “negative” emotion)
This number doesn’t seem to make any sense. You suggest making an ebook, and that should be most of the heavy effort handled if you can ever get to a point of reusing a previous year’s printing process. It’s not really clear to me how it can take that much time and/or effort.
I’m only bringing this up because the books were pretty cool and me buying a set actually convinced some non-LW-reading folks to buy some, so it seemed a pretty neat outreach opportunity, if we can ever find an HTML->ebook->book pipeline.
Also please please please don’t make a machine-read audiobook, it makes the writing look less valued than not making an audiobook at all.