there’s also ya’all
This seems very useful. Thank you for posting it.
Out of all of the blogs, which ones do you prioritize in reading first? It seems like there are far too many to always read all of them.
What are the special rules involved that are mentioned in the thread? Are they the same as the Happiness Thread?
Counterfactual Diaspora Question:
If Eliezer had written on OvercomingBias and gotten enough activity to create LessWrong, but the population was filled with different personalities (no So8res, no AnnaSalamon, no Yvain, etc.) do you think the diaspora would have occurred in the same way and on the same general timeframe that it has?
I’ m curious about what parts of LessWrong’s development you think were inevitable and why.
V gubhtug gung gur zrgubq Uneel hfrq jnf fhssvpvragyl sne bhgfvqr gur obk gung ab bar jvgubhg n fhofgnagvny xabjyrqtr onfr bs obgu fpvrapr naq fpvrapr svpgvba jbhyq rire guvax bs vg be rkcrpg vg. Uneel unq hfrq cnegvny genafzhgngvba orsber, ohg arire hfvat gur zbyrphyrf sebz nve vgfrys (gung V erzrzore) be hfvat n zrgubq gung jnf jrncbavmrq va n jnl gung zhttyrf unira’g ernyyl jrncbavmrq vg orsber.
Fairly soon I imagine you’ll get games that allow you to choose the pronouns used to address your character separate from their looks and a slider or more freeform body-sculpting ability rather than just two choices.
If I take a few dozen pictures of one person talking, I can find in them there most any microexpression you want including ridiculous ones. These expressions are not representative of anything.
Tabloid news are a great example of this. If you take thousands of pictures of the most gorgeous and breathtaking people in the world, you can find one where they look like deranged freaks.
I came here to mention raindances. You do a raindance and nothing happens. You raindance for 12 more days and suddenly it rains. That must mean if you dance for 13 days straight (or dance until some other sort of requirement you Just So on the spot) it will rain!
If you don’t add the idea of falsifiability to accept that raindances might not cause rain when you get negative results, then you will always get the conclusion that some amount of raindancing will cause rain.
Ideally you would add a parameter of audience interaction though if you really want everyone to feel the impact of their failed predictions on a gut level. That’s the value of the 2-4-6 game and things like making predictions before learning about scope insensitivity.
It’s also possible that people’s perception of the landscape itself changed over time as Clarity posts often and has been here a while now. That, and if any votes were from Eugene’s downvote brigades, then their removal would have helped. (I’m at 85% karma and i think almost all of the negative votes were from Eugene’s accounts.)
I think weird sun twitter is really great and any of you that are weird suns are really great.
I made a comment related to this on the SSC post about the rationalists I met in person in the Bay Area. I think it’s the continued and extended version of what you stated above with some people in the Bay Area calling themselves rationalists while being in the 20% LW-ish (or lower) crowd. I primarily focused on the overcoming biases and getting stronger parts.
“I witnessed some trends in rationalists during a visit in the Bay Area recently that make far more sense to me now when seen through the lens of your generation descriptions. The instrumental rationalists seemed to fit into 3 Generation type groups.
Generation 1 agreed with 50% or greater of The Sequences and attempt to use the ideas from it, CFAR, and other sources in their daily lives to improve themselves. They seemed to take all of it quite seriously.
Generation 2 possessed a mild respect for CFAR, less respect for The Sequences themselves (and likely read next to none of it), made sure to make a comment of disdain for EY almost as if it was a prerequisite to confirm tribe membership (maybe part of the “i’m not one of THOSE rationalists”?), and had a larger interest in books that their friends recommended for overall self-improvement.
Generation 3 hadn’t read any of The Sequences, had read only a few blog posts, loosely understood some of the terms being regularly thrown around (near/far mode, far mode, object level, inside/outside view, map/territory etc.) but didn’t know the definitions well enough to actually use the mental actions of the techniques themselves, and considered themselves rationalists via group affiliation, showing up to events, and having friendships rather than being rationalists due to becoming more rational themselves and attempting to optimize their own lives and brains.
I had limited exposure to the Bay Area and would be very interested if anyone else thinks these categories actually match the territory there. This also leaves out epistemic rationalists (some of whom I met) who don’t fit into the three generations presented above.”
Generally I’d say: make a list of all things you do, and for each of them ask yourself a question: “Is this something I do because I got used to thinking about myself as ‘the person who does this’? If I would right now magically reincarnate as someone else, who is ‘not the person who does this’, would I want to start doing it again?”
I like this technique. I like this a lot.
Happily, my friends do meet that criteria now. The Unattractive Person part is primarily a delayed updating. I’m working on those various skills but also haven’t updated my internal impression of myself to reflect the improvements I’ve made. I expect to get a more realistic impression of myself after more time, getting better at reading people’s attraction signals, and seeing social results
I was a bit confused about how it’s a prank on people at all. Ideally a prank is localized to one person and is set up so that it doesn’t run out of control.
What happened to you?
I’m not able to see the post Ultimate List of Irrational Nonsense on my Discussion/New/ page even though I have enabled the options to show posts that have extremely negative vote counts (-100) while signed in. I made a request in the past about not displaying those types of posts for people who are not signed in. I’m not sure if that’s related to this or not.
How exactly would a person burn an identity away?
Are there any non-obvious identities that people have which might be useful to burn away?
I recently noticed that I have an internal identity of Unattractive Person which may have been valid in the past but isn’t any longer considering repeated signals in a variety of social interactions over the past few months.
They deleted the worst ones. Screenshots can be found on other websites.
Additional Suggestion 1: Regular reminders of places to send suggestions could be helpful. I occasionally come up with additional ones and usually just post them on whatever recent suggestion-related thread is new
Additional Suggestion 2: The search function would be massively improved if it ignored and didn’t search the text in the sidebar. This was referenced and I was reminded of this by gjm from his comment here in the latest Open Thread.
I’ve run into this problem several times before. It would be very helpful if the search feature ignored the text in the sidebar.
A trust app is going to end up with all the same issues credit ratings have.
You’re welcome to post in old threads since threads don’t get bumped up to the top when replied to. However, you’re likely to get more answers to a question like this one if you post in the current Open Thread.