Why do we need the full tower? Why couldn’t it be the case that just one (or some other finite number) of the Turing Oracle levels are physically possible?
We don’t know that it’s physically impossible, although it does look that way, but even if we did that doesn’t mean it’s contradictory, not to the extent that using it you’ll “mostly derive paradox theorems and contradictions”.
Why do you think that a hypercomputer is inherently contradictory?
The LW Tumblr contingent has a Skype group.
The relevant test is ‘Do I want to see more things like this on LW’, and the answer is no, because I value clarity more than seeing things I would agree with did I understand them.
Relevant previous LW posts on the A_p distribution and model stability
Interestingly, both concepts seem worthwhile to me… and I mostly advocate a combination of hedonistic and preference utilitarianism.
Eliezer said this would just have been Harry antimatter-suiciding and Hermione waking up in a flaming crater.
Is the novel content written by you, Eliezer, or others?
Cool, that clears it up, thanks!
(I got that you were being sarcastic, but I wasn’t clear which possible sucky thing you were disapproving of)
I got the four, but not the rectangle—I just noticed that two elements only appeared three times.
Huh. I got the same answer, but a different way.
Rnpu vgrz vf znqr hc bs gur cerfrapr be nofrapr bs bar bs fvk onfvp ryrzragf. Rnpu ryrzrag nccrnef sbhe gvzrf, rkprcg gubfr gjb.
This comment confuses me.
how sure are you, and how much do you have to bet?
There’s a Welcome Thread that you might want to check out!
it is if you can get evidence about your UF.
I think you overestimate the likelihood that EY even read your comment. I doubt he reads all comments on hpmor discussion anymore.
Why was this trolling? This was in fact true, although Wei Dai’s UDT ended up giving rise to a better framework for future and more general DT work.
The link to Non-Omniscience, Probabilistic Inference, and Metamathematics isn’t right. Also, ‘published earlier this year’ is now wrong, it should be ‘midway through last year’ :D
Formatting note: something seems to have deleted a couple of your time units: